Winter in Syria

If only we could help them all. But we need YOUR help to support them with emergency relief and medical services. We can save their lives, one by one, Together!

You can help save their lives and alleviate their suffering!

Thousands of families dread the cold winter months in northwest Syria as the dire situation continues for over 3.5 million displaced people. More than half of these are children who have never known anything other than war, displacement, and suffering. They are cold, hungry, sick, and living in the most miserable circumstances. Even acquiring the most basic human necessities is a struggle each and every day.

Since 2012, we have been providing vital medical and mental health care, protection and nutrition services, and emergency humanitarian relief to those who need it most in Syria, Turkey, Jordan and other areas of crisis. 

With your help, we can continue reaching even more Syrian families with basic needs such as food, water, and medical care so that they can live their life with dignity.

For non US dollar donations,click here.

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Your support of our mission is enabling us to continue providing humanitarian medical relief, emergency aid, and health care services to people affected by crisis. Our work involves constantly responding to emergencies and meet the evolving needs. Having our funds unrestricted allows us the flexibility to allocate funds to where they are most needed. Thank you for your support.
Union of Medical Care and Relief Organizations-USA (UOSSM USA) is a nonprofit, medical humanitarian organization that provides impartial lifesaving support, medical relief, and access to high-impact, cost-effective, quality healthcare and mental health services to people affected by crisis, regardless of nationality, ethnicity, gender, religion, or political affiliation.