UOSSM’s response to the earthquake in northwest Syria was immediate, due to the existing framework and operations in since 2012. With over 1800 staff on the ground, our team has been working tirelessly, despite all the pain and heartache, loss and displacement, being victims themselves, to alleviate the suffering and help heal and save lives of earthquake victims.
Between Feb 6-Feb 27, UOSSM has provided 50,299 consultations to 34,348 patients, provided 878 major surgeries and 184 minor surgeries, along with other vital services such as diagnostics, dialysis, and blood unit distribution through our 30 hospitals and health facilities, 10 mobile clinics, and 62 ambulances. You can click here to support our earthquake relief efforts and help save lives!

The need is so great, the destruction and devastation is overwhelming, but together, we can continue to save lives and build hope.