Washington DC- There was another chemical attack in the besieged area of Aleppo yesterday. Three barrels containing a choking agent were dropped yesterday in the Kallaseh neighborhood and on a medical point causing at least 25 exposed victims to experience symptoms consistent with chlorine inhalation, including suffocation and difficulty breathing.
This comes amidst a fierce campaign against the besieged area of Aleppo, according to the White Helmets yesterday alone 46 civilians were killed, and 230 were wounded as a result from 140 airstrikes.
Dr. Khaula Sawah, CEO of UOSSM USA said, “It is so painful and disturbing to watch besieged Aleppo experience such vicious attacks, we have said this over and over again, targeting civilians and medical facilities are in complete violation of International Humanitarian Law, we call on the UN and all responsible parties to act immediately, to let medical and humanitarian aid in and wounded victims that are in dire need of medical care out, before it is too late and the whole city of Aleppo becomes one large graveyard.”