Dallas, Texas- The situation is rapidly deteriorating in North West Syria with 200,000 people being displaced in the past week and scores killed from the continuous bombing of Maarat Al Nouman and surrounding areas. UOSSM, a leading medical aid provider in Syria, pleads that the UN provide immediate protection for the millions of civilians in the region. The military offensive is expected to reach Idlib City (home to over one million civilians) within days. If UN protection is not granted immediately, UOSSM anticipates thousands will be slaughtered.
“The UN, mandated with upholding global peace and security, must act to prevent this humanitarian disaster. Should they ignore this mandate, thousands of civilians will be killed and millions will become refugees. We have seen this in the past where thousands of refugees flee into surrounding countries, Turkey, Europe or drown in the Mediterranean. This clearly destabilizes the region and threatens global peace and security. ” Said Dr. Hussam Al Fakir, Chairman of UOSSM Intl.
Yesterday, 16 civilians were killed including six children and the day before a pediatric hospital was bombed bringing the total to 48 medical facilities attacked. At least 50 medical facilities have shut down due to security concerns. Since April 28, at least 862 civilians were killed, with almost half of the victims being children and women. At least 750,000 people have become newly displaced in North west Syria. Many families are living in the open, with trees as their shelter, and little to no access to clean water, food, medicine, and sanitation.
According to Dr. Munzer Khalil, Head of the Idlib Health Directorate “If the offensive continues, there could be an additional one million people displaced in the coming weeks. Currently, the displaced are struggling to survive. It is estimated that only 6% of needs are covered which is a humanitarian catastrophe. Of the 150,000 IDP families, only 9,000 received tents leaving the majority of the displaced families without shelter. The same shortages can be seen with medication and medical supplies. We need protection and help now!”
Dr. Khaula Sawah, Vice President of UOSSM USA said, “What we are witnessing is unprecedented in modern times, the numbers are massive, and the result will be catastrophic. It is unbelievable that in this day and age we have to beg for the international community to uphold UNSC laws and resolutions, and protect innocent civilians, medical facilities and civilian infrastructure. These people are human beings, they breathe the air we breathe and feel the same feelings we all do, why is there complete disregard for their lives and their rights as human beings? This must stop! This has to stop immediately otherwise we are on the brink of a humanitarian disaster.”
*Numbers are constantly changing due to situation on the ground.